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    發布時間:2024-04-09 來源:http://www.weigoulai.net/


    It is very important to distinguish the fire resistance level of rubber and plastic insulation materials. The following are the methods to identify the fire resistance level of rubber and plastic insulation materials:

    1. 查看產品標準:橡塑保溫材料的防火等級應符合標準GB 8624-2012《建筑材料燃燒性能分級》的要求。該標準將建筑材料燃燒性能分為A1、A2、B1、B2、B3五個等級。

    1. Review product standards: The fire resistance rating of rubber insulation materials should comply with the requirements of GB 8624-2012 "Classification of Burning Performance of Building Materials". This standard divides the combustion performance of building materials into five levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, and B3.



    A1 level: Non combustible materials (such as rock wool, glass wool, etc.);


    A2 level: Unconventional combustible materials (such as aluminum silicate cotton, etc.);


    B1 level: Flame retardant materials (such as some products in rubber insulation materials);


    B2 level: combustible materials (such as some products in rubber insulation materials);


    B3 level: flammable materials.

    2. 檢查產品認證:購買橡塑保溫材料時,可查看產品是否有權威機構出具的防火等級檢測報告。這些報告通常包含產品的防火等級、燃燒性能等詳細信息。

    2. Check product certification: When purchasing rubber insulation materials, you can check if the product has a fire rating test report issued by an authoritative organization. These reports typically contain detailed information such as the fire rating and combustion performance of the product.

    3. 觀察外觀:部分橡塑保溫材料在外包裝或產品表面會有防火等級標識。如無標識,可咨詢廠家或銷售人員。

    3. Appearance observation: Some rubber insulation materials may have fire rating markings on the outer packaging or product surface. If there is no label, you can consult the manufacturer or sales personnel.

    4. 了解材料成分:橡塑保溫材料的防火性能與其成分密切相關。一般來說,含有大量無機填料的橡塑保溫材料防火性能較好,如添加了玻纖、硅酸鹽等成分。

    4. Understanding material composition: The fire resistance of rubber insulation materials is closely related to their composition. Generally speaking, rubber insulation materials containing a large amount of inorganic fillers have better fire resistance, such as adding components such as fiberglass and silicates.

    5. 注意事項:

    5. Precautions:


    Different occasions have different requirements for the fire protection level of rubber insulation materials, such as building exterior walls, indoor pipelines, etc. Materials that meet the corresponding fire protection standards should be selected;


    When choosing rubber insulation materials, do not blindly pursue low cost and neglect fire resistance performance.

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